Monday, December 19, 2011

'This the Season!

Happy Holidays! Wow! I've just skipped over Thanksgiving and now it's almost Christmastime! It seems like we always have so much going on. Maybe my New Year's Resolution should be to take it easy :). We are so excited about Christmas this year! We put our Christmas tree up towards the beginning of the month and recently started adding presents to it. Maggie and Lucy are so excited about everything!

We were especially excited that we were able to take Maggie to see The Nutcracker at our local performing arts center. She is really into ballet and dancing altogether, so she was beside herself with so many ballerinas to watch. We stayed after the show was over, so she was able to talk with the performers and take pictures.

We just had our Church Christmas party last Sunday night. As always, it was a fun and happy event-Santa even showed up! Maggie was a little hesitant, but eventually talked to Santa and took a couple of pictures.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Family Fun!

October was another hectic month for us! I think we had something going on every weekend, plus we had a gross stomach virus that made it's way through our home.

We made our way to Southern Bell Farm, where the girls had a wonderful time playing and looking at all the animals.

Then we had our Fall Festival at church...we were all just getting over being sick at this point, so there weren't many pictures. Then on to Trick-or-Treating...we decided to go out early so the girls could still get to bed early. I thought they looked sooo cute!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vacation, Vacation!

Well, August came and went very quickly! To be honest, we had so much going on, I barely remember it! Now, September is here and almost gone! At least I have a couple of pictures to show for it :) We just got back from our family vacation from Myrtle Beach, SC. Although my sister and her family had to leave mid-way through the trip, it was still nice to get away.
 Here are a couple of pictures:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lucy Turned 1!

It seems like only yesterday I found out that I was expecting again and now our sweet little Lucy is already 1 year old. Her official birthday was July 25th, but we decided to have her party on the 30th (Saturday). Just like with Maggie's first birthday party, we decided to have the party at our house and just invite close friends and family.

The theme for the party was "Our Little Cupcake." I originally tried to design all of the decorations, but in the end I bought all the printables from  PartySoPerfect and was not disappointed! Lucy's cake was made using Wilton's Giant Cupcake Pan, the cupcakes were pink lemonade (find the recipe here), and I even attempted making Cake Pops (which were harder than I thought to decorate)!  The party itself was great and Lucy had a fun time! Thanks to everyone for joining in her big day.